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Body Talks

The Golden Race

Welcoming the Golden Race – The Golden Age

2021- The Year of Transition: A New Road is ahead of us.
I couldn’t have known this before as clearly as now! This sentiment feels right because it entails a large amount of deep work and wisdom plus some knowledge of how everything is panning out.
My humbleness goes deeper in letting you all know I have not been an expert of…

sprained ankle

The path to Recovery of a Sprained Ankle

After a few weeks of having sprained my ankle with a minor fracture, I felt my ability to be active in this world as I knew it, to be affected and the fear has come to teach me how to deal with this every day and to accept and to keep accepting it as days go by.


Stripping Body Emotions – One By One

I can’t pretend I am well, my spirit will always be, yet the body in the present mode…, oh. “Today I cry” – the body says. My heart is compassionate to what it truly took all these years of not seeing the clear state of my own mind, heart and soul. Despite being connected, of finding one of the many gifts we are all born with and practice in recent years, my body is finally speaking out what hurts so deep. It goes through stages.

Massage Therapy

Massage Treatments – What is Good Pain vs Bad Pain?

Indeed pain is what most of us avoid in life. Especially if you are receiving a massage treatment is the least moment you are ought to want pain above all. After all, you came to have a moment of relaxation, right? But how many of you feel completely released of body tension? Can pain be processed differently? Can pain bring benefits in the end?

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